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Enhancing collaboration across academia and research centers for improving fisheries practices

The Fishing Industry Association of Papua New Guinea is working not only to develop good practices onboard our tuna fishing company members but also to collaborate with research centers to improve fishing practices while respecting the marine ecosystem for the next generations.

We have an incredible collaboration with Academia to step ahead in fisheries practices based on Science. This year we are running four (4) different research with:

  1.  The Safina Center in a statistical model to predict if area-based management minimizes silky shark interactions with the Papua New Guinea purse seine tuna fishery

  2. The University of Queensland, in Exploring Fisher Variability & skill at reducing bycatch, and;

  3. The Secretariat of Pacific Countries (SPC) looking at bycatch rate assessment, Fish Aggregating Devices FADs impact, and Silky Shark fishery assessment.

We are thrilled to move into this space where we closely collaborate with the industry with the research and academia sectors for a common goal.

We make decisions and we do it!


We shared this amazing infographic developed for the research on shark interactions with real and practical recommendations for the PNG waters.

Download the Infographics by clicking the link below:




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Ago Street Gordons,
National Capital District
Papua New Guinea

© 2025 Fishing Industry Association - Papua New Guinea

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