Fisheries Industry Association (FIA) Papua New Guinea plays a crucial role in ensuring that onboard practices for handling mantas adhere to the best practices outlined by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Conservation and Management Measure (CMM) for handling Endangered, Threatened, or Protected (ETP) species like mantas. Here's how FIA PNG may ensure compliance with these guidelines:
Training and Education: FIA PNG provide annual training sessions for fishermen and onboard crew members on the proper handling and release techniques for ETP species such as mantas. FIA PNG has displayed onboard the WCPFC best practices for handling ETP in a clipboard as well. This training would include information on the ISSF best practices, WCPFC CMM guidelines, and best practices for handling these species.
Onboard Observers: FIA PNG could deploy onboard observers who are trained to monitor and report on the handling practices of ETP species during fishing operations. These observers can ensure that the crew follows the required procedures for the safe release of mantas and other protected species.
Compliance Monitoring: FIA PNG has implemented monitoring programs to ensure that fishing vessels within their jurisdiction comply with the WCPFC CMM guidelines for handling ETP species. Regular inspections and second-party audits can help identify any non-compliance issues and address them promptly.
Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting: FIA PNG collects data on interactions with ETP species, including mantas and all ETPs, during fishing activities. This data helps evaluate the effectiveness of current practices and inform potential improvements in handling techniques and conservation measures. Data is shared on our website on FADs tracking sheet.
By incorporating these strategies, FIA PNG can play a pivotal role in ensuring that the onboard practices for handling ETP align with the WCPFC CMM best practices for ETP species. This proactive approach not only supports the conservation of vulnerable species but also contributes to the long-term sustainability of fisheries in the region.
In this video, we observe in action the fishing vessel Chenille crew members from the Starcki Venture Corporation Fishing tuna fleet releasing and saving mantas on February 9, 2025, as part of our FIA PNG’s effort for the conservation of ETP.