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National Fisheries Authority

In 2018, the FIA-PNG signed an MOA with the National Fisheries Authority to commence work on the Marine Steward Council (MSC) certification process.  Since the implementation of the FIA-PNG MSC scheme, the NFA has been proactively providing the much-needed support through its national observer programme, the Catch Documentation Scheme (CDS), and the integrated Fisheries Information Management System (iFIMS).


Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency

FFA has been assisting the FIA-PNG through capacity building in the areas of:

  • Responsible Sourcing Policy

  • SA8000 training course.

  • FIA-PNG and NFA Observer MSC consultation

  • Industry Export and Investment Strategy


Secretariat of the Pacific Community

FIA-PNG through the National Fisheries Authority relies on the science behind the sustainable management of the tuna stock in PNG as well as throughout its entire range as provided by SPC. Provision of FIA-PNG’s member vessels’ catch data and observer data by SPC has greatly assisted the Association during its MSC assessment process.


SPC has greatly assisted the Association during its MSC assessment process, and continuously SPC is providing technical and science-based workshops to our skippers, fishing company's managers and FIA PNG office staff as part of our FIA PNG MSC good practices implementation.


Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and the National Fisheries Authority (NFA) of Papua New Guinea have an MoU in place for cooperation in compliance, monitoring, enforcement and sanctions for Filipino-flagged fishing vessel fishing in the PNG waters.  LBFV flagged vessels have obligations to the coastal state (NFA, PNG), the involvement of the flag state is minimal, thus the management of the regional management system and the domestic coastal management system (See Background of Principle 3 Section 2.8.1 Area of Operation and Relevant Jurisdictions) is done by the NFA which looks after the compliance and enforcement at the fishery and any fishing vessel operating in the PNG waters. 

Our tuna fleet members have formally requested BFAR cooperation in these three mentioned areas that also are part of our MSC tuna fishery certification.


Sustainable Development Goals

The Responsible Sourcing Policy of FIA PNG launched in 2018 is contributing with 10 SDGs, FIA PNG members are working toward a sustainable development that include environment, people and economy sustainable management. A top FIA PNG policy is sharing knowledge and progress of what we are doing. Since 2020, we are loading our FIA PNG annual sustainable report in this website where it is available for any stakeholder.


Marine Stewardship Council

FIA PNG started their journey in to the recognition as a well manage fishery in 2018. The MSC has become an important stakeholder for FIA PNG in order to improve the fishery management in order to maintain the MSC fishery certification for Skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye. FIA PNG Is working with different organizations to comply with the 14 conditions obtained as part of the FIA PNG MSC fishery certification.​


FIA PNG together with the NFA aims to obtain recognition and the MSC certification for other fisheries resources, like Lobster and Mud crab.


Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative

FIA PNG became a funding member in February 2021, The aim of this partnership is to have a voice in the fishery sustainability standard setter and review initially. Also for FIA PNG is a great opportunity to collaborate with global stakeholders and being exposed to Global retailers to ensure sustainability, transparency and traceability in the seafood supply chain.


FIA PNG joined the “partner taskforce” to embark in a journey with other PNG seafood fisheries certification, for instance Lobster and Shrimp are part of this new project.



SeafoodMAP program help to accelerate sustainability in small and artisanal fisheries and the aquaculture sectors. Measuring and Accelerating the Performance of the Global Seafood Supply is the core of the program. Since 2021, FIA PNG has joined this program with several species like Lobster for fisheries and Tilapia for Aquaculture. FIA PNG aims to use the Seafood MAP to expose PNG fisheries and aquaculture to global markets, accelerate partnerships, and improve compliance with technical requirements so they can move towards sustainable and socially responsible certifications. By 2023, we aim to move into programs for trout, mudcrab, and probably seaweed.

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The FISH Standard provides a voluntary, independent, and accredited third-party certification program for labor practices on vessels in wild-capture fisheries around the globe. Our fleet of fifty-five (55) tuna purse seiners is constantly monitoring the Crew working and living conditions onboard. We have set up a management system based on Seafoodmatter methodology with internal audits, second-party audits and third-party audits. Any new member should undergo this process to ensure our crew across our members are in compliance with FISH standards for Crew.



Both organizations have a common goal to work towards advancing transparency and accountability in fisheries governance and management. FIA PNG is engaging with NGOs and institutions to fight against IUU, fraud, labor & human rights abuses, overfishing, and unfair access to natural resources. 


As Affiliate Member in an advisory role, will be providing advice and guidance to the Coalition for Fisheries Transparency and engaging government, and industry globally.


Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability

GDST is the first ever global, industry led standards for interoperable seafood traceability.  This is the result of almost three years of work by dozens of companies, working in collaboration for the common goal of achieving supply chain traceability in order to assure legal origin of seafood products.


GDST has established this voluntary industry standards for interoperable seafood traceability and verifiability, and has representative members across the supply chain spectrum.  Currently, over 80 companies have joined or endorsed GDST standards, including seven out of the top ten companies with over US$35 billion annually.


It is important to remark that the FIA-PNG members have been using the integrated Fisheries Information Management System (iFIMS) since 2010 to track and trace their tuna and related products in PNG which contain the Key Data Elements (KDE) requested by this GDST standard v1.0.  By adopting the GDST standards, the members are simply reaffirming their commitment to ensuring that the legal origin of their seafood products are guaranteed and to further eliminate IUU fishing in the Central and Western Pacific convention area.


Global Fishing Watch

In October 2022, A memorandum of understanding outlining the partnership was signed between Global Fishing Watch and the National Fisheries Authority at the Infofish World Tuna Conference and Exhibition in Bangkok. The agreement was reviewed and endorsed by all members of the Fishing Industry Association (FIA) and is a testament to Papua New Guinea’s commitment to increasing accountability across the fishing sector and their desire to effectively manage fisheries and marine resources for sustainable and equitable benefits.

Our tuna fleet is increasing the bar in the Global tuna-catching sector with this level of transparency and monitoring.


Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions

CASS is a global community of stakeholders working together to improve the sustainability and social responsibility of seafood supply chains, for our ocean and the people who depend on it. FIA PNG joined CASS to accelerate the positive impact in the sustainability of the fishery and social responsibility at land and at Sea throw our Responsible Sourcing Policy (RSP). For the last past decades FIA PNG have significantly invested in resources and investing toward environmental sustainability and social responsibility. A commitment that FIA PNG and CASS have in common. This commitment will create a sea change in the sector, supporting comprehensive social responsibility through new, cross-sectoral actions to: (1) Protect human rights, dignity, and access to resources; (2) Ensure equality and equitable opportunities to benefit; and (3) Improve food and livelihood security.


We appreciate the CASS effort to provide members and Seafood global community with guidance on sustainable challenges in the seafood supply value chain.


Fish Choice

FIA PNG aims to reach global markets, inform them about our initiative, improvement RSP program and products, that is why we joined the only interactive platform designed to meet businesses wherever they are in their seafood sustainability journey. We want to facilitate consumers and retailers to reach our FIA PNG members throw this platform.

Constantly we are adding certified products on our profile.



Sect 54 Lot 03,
Ago Street Gordons,
National Capital District
Papua New Guinea

© 2025 Fishing Industry Association - Papua New Guinea

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